Pedro Proença

Born in Lubango, Angola, in 1962, Pedro Proença graduated in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon in 1986 and is considered one of the most notable artists in Portuguese contemporary art. 

His exhibitions include Galeria Fucares, Madrid (1987), Frith Gallery, London (1889), Pallazo Ruspoli, Rome (1994), Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1994), Kunstwerein in Frankfurt (1998), the Camargo Vilaça Gallery, S. Paulo (1988), CCB, etc. He was also present at the Venice Biennale Aperto in 1988. 

Pedro published his own books of essays, poetry, fiction, typography, etc. He also illustrated the Bible and the Lusíadas, Pessoa, Saramago, as well as children’s and erotic literature.

artworks selection


OGMT Affordable Art Weekend – November, 15 – 17. 2024

The OGMT Affordable Art Weekend presented more than 30 established and emerging artists´ works within a price range that encouraged new collectors and admirers of art to engage with contemporary practices.

This exhibition showcased original works as well as prints, artists´ books and postcards.


“alias:” by Pierre Delalande (curated by Pedro Proenca) – 14/10 – 26/11/2023

The artist as editor? The book covers like allegorical appearances? Or as aphorisms endowed with images? Can a cover be an autobiography? And how many autobiographies are three hundred covers? Pierre Delalande (born in Avignon in 1946) extends his megalomaniac condensation project in this exhibition; in other words, he summarizes by amplifying. Starting with the French edition of his book Lego Hegel, Delalande created the label “alias:,” which began as a parody of the publishing house Allia. It is from the expansion of this act that this exhibition is born: “aliás:,” like someone who insists, adds, means something else, perhaps. “aliás:” is thus the exemplary example of exemplification. Or an imagery-philosophical diary.


Hors les murs exhibition at Metaxu, Toulon (France)

by André Almeida e Sousa, Francisca Carvalho, Sandrine Llouquet, Constança Arouca, Luis Almeida, Run Jiang, Pedro Proença aka Pierre Delalande and Benoit Bottex.

29/06 – 15/07/2023

1 . 21/10/2022 – 22/01/2023

1” is a group exhibition featuring works by André Almeida e SousaLuís AlmeidaConstança Arouca & Madalena Parreira, Francisca Carvalho, Nina Fraser Run Jiang Le Phi LongFlorian Song NguyenBertrand PeretThao Nguyen PhanPedro Proença, Quentin SpohnTruc-Anh and Mai-Loan Tu and celebrating the 1st anniversary of our gallery. 

(Flyer picture: Thao Nguyen Phan, “Alphabet in Containers 03” (detail), watercolor on paper, 2017)

Ainda não sabemos ao certo que florestas vamos atravessar  –  21/05 – 1/10/2022

An exhibition by Nadege David (Vietnam), Hoang Duong Cam (Vietnam), Le Phi Long (Vietnam), Sandrine Llouquet (Portugal), Bertrand Peret (France), Pedro Proenca (Portugal), together with a site-specific installation by Francisca Carvalho (Portugal).