João Vilenha

“For João Vilenha, there is no representation which is not erotic, which is not tied to the irrepressible desire to use the gaze to fantasically possess the object of gaze and desire. His drawings explore, expose and problematize this scopic rela¬tionship, which Freud defined as an impulse, not only to see but to conquer, to possess and to control the being or the object as a motive and source of pleasure.” (Tristan Trémeau)

Scopic impulse, like voyeurism, are central topics of João’s work, often realized meticulously and with extreme precision. However, with the drawings of his series « Décence de l´ébauche », the artist reveals another face of his practice.

Realized during a residency which took place within the framework of the erotic creativities festival “Érosphère” in Paris – a LGBT, non-binary, SM, libertines and polyamorous meeting, « Décence de l´ébauche » expresses disorder, confusion, letting go; these sensations the artist witnessed during the “Érosphère”´s workshops (bondage, fist, tickling…) he attended.

Freed from their usual ultra-precision, João´s blind contour drawings, rough and synthetic at the same time translate the postures, agglomerates of bodies, convulsions… through flowing lines that intertwine and unravel thanks to the use of different colored markers.

João Vilhena graduated from the Villa Arson (Nice) in 1998. His works have been exhibited in numerous venues in Europe including Fon¬dation Vuitton (Paris), Villa Arson (Nice), Pavillon Vendome Centre d´art contemporain (Clichy), Centre d´art contemporain (Istres), Musee d´art moderne et d´art contemporain (Nice), XVIIe Biennale Méditerranéenne (Nice), Centre international de l´estampe et du livre (Villeurbanne) and are part of the CNAP collection in Paris and the Bank Rothschild collection in Portugal.


artworks selection


OGMT Affordable Art Weekend – November, 15 – 17. 2024

The OGMT Affordable Art Weekend presented more than 30 established and emerging artists´ works within a price range that encouraged new collectors and admirers of art to engage with contemporary practices.

This exhibition showcased original works as well as prints, artists´ books and postcards.


“Porquê começar sempre com um círculo?” by Run Jiang – 27/09 – 08/11/2024

 In the black-and-white world of her playful yet serious ink drawings, the Lisbon-based Chinese artist, Run Jiang, reflects on her creative process: why does she always start with a circle?


1 . 21/10/2022 – 22/01/2023

1” is a group exhibition featuring works by André Almeida e SousaLuís AlmeidaConstança Arouca & Madalena Parreira, Francisca Carvalho, Nina Fraser Run Jiang Le Phi LongFlorian Song NguyenBertrand PeretThao Nguyen PhanPedro Proença, Quentin SpohnTruc-Anh and Mai-Loan Tu and celebrating the 1st anniversary of our gallery. 

(Flyer picture: Thao Nguyen Phan, “Alphabet in Containers 03” (detail), watercolor on paper, 2017)