André Almeida e Souza

Born in 1974 in São Miguel (Açores), André Almeida e Sousa studied at the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and in the advanced course of fine arts at Ar.Co school in Lisbon. He was a Scholarship holder of Fundação Victor e Graça Carmona e Costa in 2001. He lives and works in Lisbon. 


A dynamic contributor to the Portugal art scene, André has taught art since 2002 and is currently running with Patricia Sasportes A BASE Escola de Arte. He has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Portugal and abroad, including Arquipelago-Centro de Artes, Ribeira Grande (Açores), Istituto Centrale Per La Grafica, Roma (Italy), Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado, Lisbon.


André Almeida e Sousa ́s artworks are part of Coleção Ariane Rothschild; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Coleção Graça Carmona e Costa; Coleção do Governo Regional dos Açores, Acervo ARTCA; Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada; A BASE Escola de Arte; Ar.Co. Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual; Biblioteca da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian em Ponte Sôr; Coleção Figueiredo Ribeiro.




 André Almeida e Souza’s CV

artworks selection


OGMT Affordable Art Weekend – November, 15 – 17. 2024

The OGMT Affordable Art Weekend presented more than 30 established and emerging artists´ works within a price range that encouraged new collectors and admirers of art to engage with contemporary practices.

This exhibition showcased original works as well as prints, artists´ books and postcards.


“Porquê começar sempre com um círculo?” by Run Jiang – 27/09 – 08/11/2024

 In the black-and-white world of her playful yet serious ink drawings, the Lisbon-based Chinese artist, Run Jiang, reflects on her creative process: why does she always start with a circle?


1 . 21/10/2022 – 22/01/2023

1” is a group exhibition featuring works by André Almeida e SousaLuís AlmeidaConstança Arouca & Madalena Parreira, Francisca Carvalho, Nina Fraser Run Jiang Le Phi LongFlorian Song NguyenBertrand PeretThao Nguyen PhanPedro Proença, Quentin SpohnTruc-Anh and Mai-Loan Tu and celebrating the 1st anniversary of our gallery. 

(Flyer picture: Thao Nguyen Phan, “Alphabet in Containers 03” (detail), watercolor on paper, 2017)